
產(chǎn)品中心您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品展示 > > 氧氣分析儀 > 美國恩特龍NTRON4100氧氣分析儀




The Neutronics Model 4100 provides an affordable and versatile Oxygen Analyzer solution for a variety of applications. The unit provides high-purity gas measurement in a range of * to ppb 02 wit




   The Neutronics Model 4100 provides an affordable and versatile Oxygen Analyzer solution for a variety of applications. The unit provides high-purity gas measurement in a range of * to ppb 02 with a super fast response time.

A small footprint and compact size makes the Ntron 4100 easy to install. The unit’s expected operational life is five to ten years.

The low-maintenance, long-life Zirconia sensor has virtually unlimited shelf life and will not dry out or freeze.


 Sensor: Rapid Response Zirconia Sensor

Measurement Range:50 ppb to * oxygen
Display: 0.75" (19.05mm) LED digital display, Color coded LEDs for system status, Alarms 1&2= RED, system fault= YELLOW, OK and online= GREEN
Response Time: T90<10 min. to PPB from air
Accuracy (pump driven sampler): ±2% of range at calibrated temperature and pressure
Accuracy (positive pressure): 50-1,000ppb, ±5ppb or ±5% of reading, 1-1,000ppm, ±5ppm or ±5% of reading, 0.1-*, ±.5% or ±2% of reading
Operating Temperature: 0 to 40o C (32 to 104o F)
Signal Interface: RS-232 service port, 4-20mA negative ground, 0-10VDC range ID and choice of 0-1VDC or 0-5VDC or 0-10VDC analog oxygen signal
Alarm Outputs: Two alarms with adjustable form C relay outputs. Configurable for fail-safe or fail-alarm mode, ascending or descending trip. One system fault relay. One alarm/relay for sensor heater OK.
Sample Port: .25" VCR-type fittings on remote sensor module
Electrical Connections: Removable terminal blocks on back of analyzer
Power, Analyzer: 115/230VAC 50/60Hz, single phase
Environmental Ratings, Analyzer: Faceplate: NEMA 4, IP66; Housing: NEMA 1, IP20
Warranty: Electronics and sensor: 12 months
Weight: Analyzer: Less than 2 lb. (0.9 kg)


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